Monday, December 1, 2008

This is (yet another) First for us

So I, Kelli, have decided that Calvin and I are going to start writing a blog. We have friends and family who write these things, so I thought that we should too. It's a good way to keep up and keep in touch with people so I figured why not?--it could be fun--so here I am!

So tonight is not going to be very long because I have been doing homework all day, I am tired, and I have a headache, but I figured I would get this started while I am sitting on the couch watching the new episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8--yes I know what you are thinking, but I love it. Hopefully we will be able to update rather often, but please bear with us, we are busy and don't always have a lot of free time.

So for now, peace and love


Emmagene said...

He he, blogging is so fun! It makes you think about your day more, like "I should write that on my blog." hope you guys are doing great, we miss you too much!

- Emma

The Schmidts said...

Yay,welcome to world of blogging as a family! I'll add you to our blog list! -Rhiannon

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Thanks for linking my blog. Keep up the good work! <3 A